Facility Access and Safety

Safety Training

The safety of our research staff, faculty, and students is our top priority. Participation in an annual “Controlled Environmental Facility Training” is mandatory in order to enter the facility.  Register to take the course here.

Aggie Access

Access to the CEF is via AggieAccess.  New users should fill out the webform and enter our key control managers name (Joel Del Rio).  Once you have completed the safety training and are approved for Aggie Access please email cefrequest@ucdavis.edu and we will enable your access for CEF-A and/or CEF-B.

Empty Chamber Policy

Demand for growth-chamber space exceeds CEF capacity and chamber availability is very restricted. 

To encourage maximal utility of the existing chambers, CEF requests that users notify CEF staff of planned or unanticipated pause periods of 12 weeks or longer.  During this pause, the chamber would be offered to users with suitable short-term project requests.  If the chamber is reassigned during a pause, rental rates will be transferred to the short-term group. The original PI group retains the right-to-return on the agreed-upon date at the end of the pause period.  

Chambers that are idle for more than 16 weeks with no pause notification or offer for temporary reassignment are subject to reclamation (original PI loses tenancy with no right-to-return).  CEF staff monitor chamber activity weekly and will notify the PI occupant of any chamber that appears idle for 8 weeks or longer to facilitate coordination.  We are confident that CEF users will make good-faith efforts to help their colleagues access these limited resources.

Temporary pause-reassignments will not be suitable for all chambers or periods, and CEF staff will work closely with the original and short-term research groups to ensure compatibility.  Biosecurity, special set-ups, and other factors may preclude temporary reassignments. 

Please notify cefrequest@ucdavis.edu of any upcoming idle or pause periods.

Coming soon: sign to acknowledge policies.